Smiling is an easy and straightforward way to improve the world around us and also the feelings within us. ‘Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.’ Thich Nhat Hanh We now know from neuroscience that when we forcefully practice smiling we soothe… Read More →
Category: Soul
Category: Soul
The Art of Being Wise
It has been a long-held belief that wisdom involves certain aspects of thinking. Philosophers and psychological scientists suggest that our ability to be wise is based on our ability to recognise uncertainty, our acceptance of change and our intellectual humility – where we’re open to the possibility that the things we believe in may, in… Read More →
The Many Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
While what we eat is central to our health, so too is when we eat and, better still, when we don’t eat. Here’s why. For decades health experts advised grazing, where we eat little and often to help sustain a healthy body. However, the latest expert advice is intermittent fasting. Studies have shown that intermittent… Read More →
How To Find Inner Solace
It helps if we can take our awareness inwards and go a little deeper within ourselves and connect with our ‘being’ within, our soul, our pure essence. When we live our lives from this place of inner being, we’re better equipped to deal with the emotional aspect of life and living. And, as a result, we get to experience the fullness of life.
I AM Enough (free Meditation)
When we are enough, it means we are perfectly whole and complete as we are, we have everything we need, and we don’t have to strive at becoming more loved, more accepted, more worthy, or more validated in life – because we’re already all of those things. When we’re enough, it means we can turn… Read More →
Discussing Death And Dying
This COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it many challenges, and, as a result, our health and well-being are likely to have been at the forefront of our minds. For those of us with elderly parents or family members with health issues, we may have had to give more thought to their health care needs. In… Read More →
Journaling Our Thoughts And Feelings
Journaling is the regular practice of exploring our thoughts and feelings surrounding the events, experiences and relationships in our lives through the medium of the written word. Taking the time to direct our thoughts, in relation to our life’s experiences, onto paper helps bring greater clarity and a much deeper understanding of why we think,… Read More →
Guiding Light (free meditation)
Not only do we celebrate the winter solstice today in the UK, but we also have Jupiter and Saturn aligning in the sky. This is an event that astronomers call the ‘great conjunction’ and the planets will appear to be aligned so closely they will almost seem to be one single ‘star’ in the sky.… Read More →
Breaking Down The Old To Create The New
‘Our mastery is in expanding our consciousness even when our physical reality is constrained’. Pam Gregory, astrologer These are very potent times. We are part of a massive evolutionary shift for humanity. 2020 has been a challenging year for many. It has been the year where we’ve had to call on our inner courage and… Read More →
Closing Open Portals
Physicists are now considering the possibility of parallel universes. Known as the String Theory, it’s believed there may be numerous dimensions of reality. Cosmology, the science and understanding of the universe, recognises that there are seven cosmic planes. Esoteric cosmology perceives these planes as subtle states or levels of reality, with each plane housing entities… Read More →