Emotions are highly contagious, and we can catch them just as quickly as we can ‘catch a cold’. Research shows that 15 to 20 percent of our emotional state at any given time is a consequence of the emotional state of others. Stress Stress is known to be highly contagious, and like a nasty cold… Read More →
Category: Body
Category: Body
Fifty Trillion Reasons To Be Grateful
With so much chaos going on in the world right now, having an attitude of gratitude may seem like an impossible thing to achieve. But an attitude of gratitude goes a long way in physical and emotional healing, something we could all benefit from right now to help get us through these challenging times. Emotional… Read More →
The Many Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
While what we eat is central to our health, so too is when we eat and, better still, when we don’t eat. Here’s why. For decades health experts advised grazing, where we eat little and often to help sustain a healthy body. However, the latest expert advice is intermittent fasting. Studies have shown that intermittent… Read More →
How To Find Inner Solace
It helps if we can take our awareness inwards and go a little deeper within ourselves and connect with our ‘being’ within, our soul, our pure essence. When we live our lives from this place of inner being, we’re better equipped to deal with the emotional aspect of life and living. And, as a result, we get to experience the fullness of life.
Laughter Really Is The Best Medicine
Laughter is a powerful way to pump the body full of ‘feel-good’ feelings. It has been scientifically proven that a good belly laugh releases endorphins that help relieve stress. Laughter also activates the release of serotonin which helps regulate our mood and acts as a natural antidepressant. As such, laughter promotes a sense of well-being… Read More →
The Breath Of Change
Change is the only constant in life. Yet, if change is so inevitable, why have we programmed ourselves to push it away or deny its existence? The answer may lie in the fact that as our inner systems deal with change, they trigger stress, agitation and confusion as a natural part of the process. If… Read More →
5 Simple Tips to Beat Stress
Stress is finally been recognised for the serious problem that it is. For decades we’ve had awareness campaigns about illnesses such as cancer and diabetes, but it’s only in the last few years that stress has finally been acknowledged as a series health problem and a considerable contributor to major health conditions. Career demands, financial… Read More →
Simple Steps To Improve Your Self-Care
Over lunch with a group of friends recently, the conversation evolved naturally to our personal self-care needs. I must admit, I was saddened by the views put forward by the group, as, for most of them, self-care is perceived as a costly indulgence. There’s the belief that self-care is something that you seek externally, e.g.… Read More →
Dandelion Water
I spent the weekend walking in beautiful Cotswold countryside and besides the cowslips and wild primrose; the fields were ablaze with bright yellow dandelions. As I watched these thick, brilliant yellow heads peeping out through the long grass, I thought ‘How refreshing it would be to have a glass of dandelion water.’ I was first… Read More →
Go Hug A Tree
While we are still technically in winter, we can’t help but notice that spring is indeed in the air. I’m a keen gardener, and I love to watch my little garden come back to life. I can see lots of buds forming on plants and trees. It’s exciting to see bluebells and daffodils peeking through… Read More →