I spent the weekend walking in beautiful Cotswold countryside and besides the cowslips and wild primrose; the fields were ablaze with bright yellow dandelions. As I watched these thick, brilliant yellow heads peeping out through the long grass, I thought ‘How refreshing it would be to have a glass of dandelion water.’
I was first introduced to botanical water by a dear friend when she poured me a glass of dandelion-infused-water served with slices of cucumber and mint leaves. Not only was it very refreshing my friend then went on to tell me how the drink benefits the digestive system. Dandelions are also packed full of Vitamin A, C, B6, Iron, Calcium, Potassium and Thiamine. I’ve since researched this beautiful little plant and, on top of this, discovered that it’s a diuretic and assists the body in reducing inflammation.
Besides being a refreshing and healthy drink, dandelion can be used as salad greens, and in soups, wine, and teas, plus, when roasted, the root makes a great coffee substitute.
To Make The Water
My friend is very much in touch with nature and believes it’s important that we honour the plant kingdom. It’s her custom to acknowledge the plants and ask Mother Nature if we may avail of the fresh spring energies they have to offer. She suggests that the best time to pick the plants is in the early morning while they are fresh and energised.
First, gently pick the flower heads and give thanks to the plant. Carefully rinse the heads in water to remove any dirt and place them into a glass container. Pour in spring water and set the intention that the water will absorb the energy signature of the flower head. Then cover the glass container and place outside in direct sunlight for a couple of hours. It’s now ready to drink. Pour the water into a tall glass tumbler and serve it with cucumber slices and mint leaves.
Tastes do vary, so adjust the number of flower heads to water ratio to suit your palate. My friend suggests a handful of flower heads to a litre of water.
Organic and Pure
Dandelions grow everywhere and are considered a pest by most gardeners. With this in mind, my friend did stress the importance of ensuring you pick dandelions you know to be free from any chemical pesticides.
Side Effects and Safety
There’s been little research into the side effects of dandelion consumption, so while dandelion water is unlikely to cause any ill effects, it’s best avoided if you’re pregnant or if you suffer from Ragweed allergies, kidney failure or bleeding disorders.
This is lovely thank you Marian. Great tip. I had dandelion tea before which was delicious but difficult to find.
Maybe now you’ll try making your own.