There are numerous ways of focusing the mind. One ancient Indian method is the practice of ‘mudra’.
Without realising it, I’d been doing mudras for many years. I’d sit in an upright position with my right hand placed on top of my left hand, palms upwards, with my thumbs touching. Then one day, a lovely Indian lady asked me where I learned to do mudras, and I had to ask her to explain what they were. I may have read it somewhere or seen someone do it and subconsciously adapted that particular hand position.
The particular mudra I practise is known as ‘Dhyana Mudra’, and it helps you tune into inner silence. My hands now naturally fall into this position whenever I’m meditating or doing any inner work, and my mind instantly follows the guidance towards inner stillness.
What Are Mudras?
Mudras are a symbolic gesture or posture of the hands and placement of the fingers. They also serve as a signal to the mind that now is the time for inner focus and calm. Traditional Indian philosophy teaches that every part of the hand represents an associated part of the body and brain. It’s understood that how the fingers move and touch each other influences the flow of ‘prana’ (life-giving energy within the body).
Just as hand gestures help us express to other’s what’s on our minds or how we’re feeling, mudras are similar. But instead of helping you communicate externally with others, they help you open your internal communication, especially between your heart and your brain. Neuroscience, in particular in Brain Gym Hand research, shows that we influence our brain every time we stretch, flex, cross, extend or touch the fingers.
Mudras and the Elements
The universe is made of five elements, and each element is represented by the thumb and four fingers of the hand. It’s believed that whichever fingers you bring together through touch, you’re connecting together the energy of the elements represented by those fingers. Mudras are one way of creating a balance between all of these elements within us. And as such, they’re used to aid healing by focusing energy to different parts of the body.
Mudras for the fire element connect through your thumb.
Mudras for the air element connect through your index finger.
Mudras for the ether element connect through your middle finger.
Mudras for the earth element connect through your ring finger.
Mudras for the water element connect through your little finger.
Balancing Your Energy
When the five elements are not in balance, the body is weakened and is more susceptible to illness and disease. A good way to restore balance is to stimulate energy using all fingers and the thumb. This may be achieved by completing a set of four simple mudras as detailed below.
Working both hands simultaneously, gently bring your thumb and index finger together and hold this position while breathing in for four breaths and out for five. You can do this pose for a few minutes while focusing on your breath. Then move your thumb to your middle finger while breathing in for four breaths and out for five. Repeat the technique on your ring finger, then finally your little finger. It helps to do about 10 or 12 rounds. This is an easy technique to do and can be done anywhere. You can even do it while sitting at your desk; just take a few minutes out of your day. The results are great as these simple mudras help restore balance and harmony. They can be a refreshing tonic for mind and body or a relaxing way to end the day.
Practising mudras leaves you relaxed and balanced, and ideally, you’ll practice them daily. There are 108 mudras in total but, for the purpose of this blog post, I’ve decided to focus on mudras for chakra balancing. The chart below gives clear illustrations.
You can do these poses for 5 or 10 minutes while focusing on your breath. Or you can chant the accompanying mantra as detailed in the chart below. It’s believed that with regular practice, your mind will automatically respond to the finger positioning, and you’ll find yourself naturally entering the meditative state related to the specific mudra you choose. Follow the finger positions as illustrated below, using gentle pressure. Try to keep the remaining fingers relaxed yet lightly stretched throughout the mudra.
Body Position
Mudras are usually practised while seated but you can also practice them while standing, walking, or lying down. They do however tend to be practised when seated. When practising a seated mudra your lap can support your hands. As you’re going to be in your chosen position for 5 to 10 minutes, it helps if you can find a seating position preferably where both your spine and head are in an upright position.
It helps if you sit on a straight-backed chair with both feet firmly on the ground. You may prefer to place your feet on a cushion or place a pillow at your lower back to help support you.
Or you may wish to sit on the floor with your legs crossed. Sitting on a cushion will help to support your body in an upright position and relieve any tension in the hips or the lower back.
Alternatively, you can place your hands on your thighs or knees; this will help stimulate the flow of energy in your legs and help balance your lower chakras.
For joined hand mudras you may wish to support your hands on a small cushion or rolled towel on your lap.
Benefits of Practising Mudra
There are numerous benefits of practising mudras regularly.
- A better flow of subtle energy.
- Open communication between your heart and mind.
- Balanced chakras.
- A feeling of wholeness and completeness as your individual consciousness meets universal consciousness.
- An improved focus and concentration.
- Being more grounded in the now.
- A more profound sense of peace and relaxation.
- A healthy, happy body.
As there are over one hundred mudras, you might consider researching further to find the mudra that suits your specific needs.
Well written and intelligent article.
Thanks, Elaine, I’m pleased you liked it.
Thank you Marian, enjoyed learning about the Mudras – and enjoying the benefits from putting it into practice., and for me anytime anywhere!
That’s the beauty of such simple techniques you can apply them anytime and anywhere. Pleased you enjoyed the blog post.