According to ancient Chinese writings, everything in the cosmos is made of two forces that are opposing but complementary. When these energies are balanced we feel whole and complete. These two forces are known as yin/yang energies. Yin represents the feminine energy and the left-hand side of the body. Yang represents the masculine energy and the right-hand side of the body.
Being balanced in life means living a life full of harmony. Life can be so hectic at times. There are so many pressures put upon us, mostly brought on by our own need for recognition, acceptance and inclusion. When we learn to just be, then life takes on a new meaning; we learn to change our perspective on life and we gain a greater understanding of what life should be or could offer. With this, comes a higher frequency of energy, which is reflected in our reality. Life becomes sweeter, more purposeful and fulfilling.
It’s important that we can find the perfect work/home/life balance.
Everything is energy, we can’t make or destroy energy but we can alter its frequency. Our physical body exists and lives in the world of matter. But we also have a subtler aspect to us, woven within and throughout our physical body. This aspect moves and interacts on a level of pure energy, and we are likely to identify with this aspect as our Higher Self.
I’d like to introduce you to a wonderful Intention Symbol that forms part of a technique known as Infusion Techniques®. These techniques work with your higher self and help you access that higher wiser part of your being. From this place of higher frequency, you can then tap into the innate frequency of your inner core self and bring balance and harmony into all areas of your life. When you, as energy, connect with the energy of the symbol, then you raise your vibration, and as we know from science frequency affects frequency.
Infusion Techniques -Intention Symbols
Many would say that symbols are gifts from the cosmos. Through them, we receive an understanding on a subconscious level that we’re incapable of receiving on a conscious level.
Carl Jung, a Swiss psychologist and psychoanalyst, tells us that symbols and metaphors are the languages of the subconscious mind. Dr. Wayne Dyer, in his book, The Power of Intention, tells us that intention is a field of energy that exists within and around us. The neuroscientist, Professor Antonio Domasio, in his book, The Feeling of What Happens, tells us ‘Stepping into your light is a wonderful metaphor for accessing your consciousness.’ As soon as we connect with this energy field our intentions take on new meaning, they become our reality.
The following symbol helps you access that energy field and, through the power of intention and symbolism, enables you to find balance and harmony within. When we, as energy, connect with the energy of the symbol, then we raise our vibration and as we know from science frequency affects frequency.
‘Never wait for a perfect moment, just take a moment and make it perfect.’
Balance and Harmony Intention Symbol
The Balance and Harmony Symbol is a symbolic representation of a frequency of light that holds the intention to bring energy into balance and harmony.
In the book, Man and His Symbols, Carl Jung encourages individuation, the process of developing a connection with ones’ own inner self. He also explains that the subconscious mind knows how to decipher symbols. When we over analyse them or try to work them out, they lose their magic.
Symbols help form a bridge between the conscious self and higher self. In so doing they help you gain an understanding – on a subconscious level – of the inner workings of life. These symbols promote deep healing by helping you access your purest, highest vibrational self.
What are the benefits of working with this symbol?
The Balance and Harmony Symbol helps bring your energy into balance, harmony and alignment with your greatest and highest good in relation to whatever issue you may wish to deal with, or whatever energy you would like to shift or transmute.
The Balance and Harmony Symbol helps take your focus from the emotions, feelings and thoughts of the issue at hand and enables you to find a place of balance and harmony within yourself, a place of personal power and core inner strength. From this place of balance and harmony, you are then more equipped to deal with the issues at hand.
How does this symbol work when I self-heal?
Starting your session with the Balance and Harmony Symbol helps set the tone, the pace, the terms, that throughout the healing you will be able to hold a place of balance, harmony and alignment.
Using the Balance and Harmony Symbol also sets the intention that the healing will happen at a level and a frequency that will allow you to remain balanced, in harmony and in full alignment throughout your session.
How can I benefit from using this symbol?
The Balance and Harmony Symbol allows you to remain balanced, harmonised and fully aligned with your higher self as you bring balance and harmony into an issue or energy so that it too may become fully aligned with your higher self.
What might I experience when using this symbol?
Personally, I instantly feel balanced when I work with this symbol. This sense of balance also brings with it a sense of feeling safe and strong and somehow I feel more empowered.
Some tend to feel realignment within their energy field. They may sense this as pulsing energy in their body. Some even feel a sense of being rebalanced.
One woman I worked with felt that her body was swaying, though her body was still. To her, this indicated that her internal energies were being rebalanced.
How do I work with this symbol?
Simply set the intention that you are going to bring balance and harmony to whatever issue, event, or relationship you wish to heal. Visualise yourself stepping into the energy of the symbol. Allow your energy to adapt to the higher frequency of light. Get a sense of the shifts and changes in your energy. Also, set the intention that this is now part of your energy signature, this is what you now broadcast out to the cosmos, and this is what you automatically receive back to you, balance and harmony.
While connecting with the symbol state aloud your affirmation: I AM balanced and harmonious.
Find your own natural, rhythmic breathing. It may be that you breathe in for the count of four… then pause. Breathe out for the count of five… then pause, repeating this rhythmic breathing for a few minutes.
I also like to visualise myself dropping this symbol into my Chakras, one by one, setting the intention that I’m balancing and harmonising the Chakras.
Additional Symbols
If you like this symbol, then you may wish to read more on Infusion Techniques. My book, Cosmic Light: Through The Higher Mind, features 32 powerful and effective techniques to help you let go of past fears and future worries, that support you in remaining grounded and firmly in the now.
Booking a session
I also offer one-to-one sessions, in person, or via Skype. Contact me for details.